Move Forward Together! Join our $75,000 Campaign for our Urban Farm and Food Distribution in Baltimore

Consider contributing today and be a part of this liberating and empowering journey with us!

Move Forward Together! Join our $75,000 Campaign for our Urban Farm and Food Distribution in Baltimore image


raised towards $75,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Consider contributing today and be a part of this liberating and empowering journey with us!

Support Our Urban Farm and Food Distribution Initiative!

It's been one year since our first Forward Together campaign. The past 12 months have been very fruitful for us. After losing our Cherry Hill farm in late 2021, we acquired land in Mount Clare. The relocation process became overwhelming. To help us through, last year we launched Forward Together to raise $50,000 for planting community gardens, removing trees, fencing, and washing stations for produce.

The outpouring of financial contributions, kind messages, prayers, and visits fueled us forward. Now we have garden plots for the community and have removed trees from the farm. Currently, a contracting company is building the fence. Electricity, irrigation, and produce wash stations are set to be installed this summer.

With Forward Together 2023, we are raising $75,000 to support the continued development of our urban farm and food distribution system that will transform lives and nourish our city.

By supporting our cause, you can contribute to the following initiatives:

🌱 Establishing the Urban Farm: Your contributions play a vital role in the creation of our new farm space in South Baltimore. With your support, we'll be able to repurpose shipping containers into smart storage spaces, ensuring that our harvested produce remains fresh and ready. We're also excited to explore innovative methods for growing fragrant herbs and mushrooms. Your donations will not only go towards constructing the gazebo, which will serve as the hub for marketplace activities and community events but will also contribute to enhancing the area with landscaping and creating a beautiful and safe space with well-designed walking paths

🚚 Pioneering Food Distribution: We not only aim to grow nutritious food but also to ensure its equitable distribution. Your contributions will fuel the growth and sustainability of our streamlined distribution network, amplifying our commitment to sourcing from black farmers and providing discounted food. From direct partnerships with local farmers to community pop-up markets, your support empowers equitable access and educational workshops, transforming how nourishment reaches those who need it most.

We invite you to join our movement today by making a generous donation and spreading the word.

Keep The Flame 🔥