Together, We Move Forward to the New Farm! image

Together, We Move Forward to the New Farm!

Show Your Support By Giving Today ✊🏾

$23,410 raised

$50,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Last year, with the support of so many of you, our beautiful community, we relocated The Cherry Hill Community Garden. That was a joyous time. We felt an abundance of gratitude and optimism for our organization's future. We didn't know moving the farm would be much more complex than we thought.

The deconstruction process took twice as long and cost twice as much as anticipated. We went from having all the infrastructure required to run a farm and focusing on programming to figuring out how to rebuild and run a farm that would be completely different from the Cherry Hill Community Garden.

Despite this hardship, we learned this past year that all good things will happen in due time. We have a beautiful community, and with you, we want to cultivate new land. Our new land has the potential to create more independence, power, and food sovereignty for the Black people of Baltimore

Move with us into our new campaign, Forward Together. With your continued support, we will raise $50,000 to build community garden plots, remove trees, install fencing and electricity, set up irrigation systems, and create a produce wash station.

Even though the journey will never be easy, it will always be worth it, as our ancestors taught us. Please take part in this fortifying journey with us by contributing to Forward Together today!

Your support will make an extraordinary impact on our organization and community.

Many Thanks
